Bolting on turbo supporting parts before actually installing the turbo?

Discussion pertaining to positive pressure E28s.
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Bolting on turbo supporting parts before actually installing the turbo?

Post by Beemernut »

I'm ordering in a 300LPH in line pump from TRE Performance to replace the one in my 535i, which leads me to the question, how many supporting mods for my upcoming turbo build can I install piece by piece while continuing to daily the car? Shooting eventually for 500whp or so, Otis style, which means at some point the car will have to come off the road. Specifically I'm wondering about things like injectors, software, and of course I'll be shortly installing the upgraded fuel pump.

I only have this car and the e30 where I currently live, and although I've planning for years to go turbo, I don't like to be without a functional backup car for long, nor do I want to buy a soulless appliance like a Camry, I don't have that much common sense...
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Re: Bolting on turbo supporting parts before actually installing the turbo?

Post by marc79euro645 »

Whats your plan for engine mgmt? Your tune will change with the turbo, but if your going to megasquirt ,or other system you could get comfortable with that prior to turbo.
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Re: Bolting on turbo supporting parts before actually installing the turbo?

Post by Beemernut »

I'm thinking about getting a basic 300-350whp using a TCD chip, and then converting to Megasquirt when I want to make big power.
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Re: Bolting on turbo supporting parts before actually installing the turbo?

Post by marc79euro645 »

Think about the clutch, exhaust, maybe a hot coil like a Blaster2.
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